what genre was/is the worst for metal.......

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which genre was worse for metal???

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AtlantaMetal Staff
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Post by BlazeTSU » Thu May 25th, 2006, 12:51 pm

i've never considered any of the old school hard.core bands to be metalcore. b/c like matt said, metalcore is a term that has just caught on in the last 8 years or so. plus, there was no confusion about what genre bands like agnostic front or sick of it all were. they knew they were hard.core and metalheads knew they were hard.core. it actually made it easier to really like those bands. they weren't trying to be anything that they weren't and most people respected that. and earth crisis was just always one of those hard.core bands that you could tell liked metal. they weren't trying to be metal, it just came through. but the majority of their music and the whole of their ideals were totally hard.core.

honestly, if its all broken down to just musical influence than all early thrash is metalcore. thrash was a crossover genre, basically crunch punk. and eventhough bands like metallica, slayer, venom, possessed....etc..etc...had a lot of punk and hard.core influence in the begining, everyone knew they were metal. this is obviously not the metalcore i speak of today. i see the metalcore of today as being a distant cousin to metal or the older hard.core bands that had some metallic feel. i see metal, hard.core, punk or rock'n'roll as lifestyles. i see metalcore as a fad. i don't think that the gizzilion kids that started up metalcore bands in the last two years are still going to be into it at the end of the next two years. but we'll have to see.

edit: for some reason on my original post everytime i spelled "hard.core" it left it blank. so this post will now make more sense.......dumbass computer.
Last edited by BlazeTSU on Sat May 27th, 2006, 11:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Metalfreak » Fri May 26th, 2006, 2:36 pm

BlazeTSU wrote: i see the metalcore of today as being a distant cousin to metal or the older bands that had some metallic feel. i see metal, , punk or rock'n'roll as lifestyles. i see metalcore as a fad. i don't think that the gizzilion kids that started up metalcore bands in the last two years are still going to be into it at the end of the next two years. but we'll have to see.
you're probably right about that!
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Post by Zane » Fri May 26th, 2006, 4:55 pm

Yes, it's true. I am now bald and boring. Hey it had to happen sometime, I'm just glad it took me 30 yrs to lose it. It owuld have sucked when I was 21, now i just don't care. And yes, i love sweeping generalizations. I haven't taken 1 ounce of any of this remotley seriously, that's why I kill my own arguments and say nothing ground breaking. But, i did hate some bands because some other people liked them. We all have done that at one point or another. no one is an island, but if i were, i would have a killer resort on me.

AtlantaMetal Staff
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Post by BlazeTSU » Fri May 26th, 2006, 5:08 pm

theres actually quite a few bands i have to refuse to like b/c of the group of people that like them. actually, metal is kinda about doing that.

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Post by holly » Sat May 27th, 2006, 1:40 am

Zane wrote:Yes, it's true. I am now bald and boring. Hey it had to happen sometime, I'm just glad it took me 30 yrs to lose it. It owuld have sucked when I was 21, now i just don't care. And yes, i love sweeping generalizations. I haven't taken 1 ounce of any of this remotley seriously, that's why I kill my own arguments and say nothing ground breaking. But, i did hate some bands because some other people liked them. We all have done that at one point or another. no one is an island, but if i were, i would have a killer resort on me.
I like your style.
& you are right.

AtlantaMetal Staff
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Post by BlazeTSU » Sat May 27th, 2006, 11:49 am

my above post was edited for some reason and everytime i tried to type out hard.core it edited it out so i've fixed it now and it will now make much more sense.

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