Proclaim Death Records Propaganda

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Post by Kurt » Sat September 11th, 2004, 10:23 pm

Black Metal label and distro.

Now Available:

Legions of Astaroth demo tape
Three songs and an outro of raw Black Metal. Limited to 111 copies. LAST COPIES available.

Hellgoat MCD
6 tracks of filthy Black Metal in the Beherit/Von style. Pro printed CD. Comes in a hand-made black sleeve and has an insert. Sleeve is sealed with red wax. Limited to 111 copies; first 10 numbered in blood.

Coming soon!

Aesthenia full length CD
Depressive Black Metal influenced by Moonblood, Mutiilation, and Forgotten Woods. Pro-printed CD. Pro-printed insert. Comes in a pro-printed hand-made sleeve; sealed in wax. Comes with a lyrics sheet. Limited to 111 copies; first 10 numbered in blood; first 25 come with an Aesthenia logo button.

Some new/recommended items in the distro:

-Nocturnal Graves "Profanation of Innocense" CDr demo. Sick black/thrash from Australia. Features ex members of Destroyer666 and Destruktor. $4

-Abandon "Never-Ending Black Torrent of Death" MCD. Obscure Black Metal from Vintyr of Basilisk (UK). $5

- Slejpnir "Channeling the Disharmony" CDr demo. Sick Black Metal from Greece in the style of other hordes from their homeland. Early Necromantia/Rotting Christ/et cetera. $3

Check out the site for other items, ordering information, and contact info.

There will be a Proclaim Death Records booth at the upcoming Cernunnos/Blood Stained Dusk/Legions of Astaroth show at Swayzes.

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