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Post by badcarburetor » Wed March 13th, 2013, 12:01 pm

ben wrote:
badcarburetor wrote:I have a long obsession with Bret Easton Ellis.

The film is very different from the book. The film has a kind of ironic layer around it that protects the viewer from the harsh "realities" of the book, if that makes any sense. Basically, it's a "fun" movie. I like it and watch it every few years. I hated it when I saw it in the theater because I felt that it was almost a parody, but I've grown comfortable with that over the years. It's on cable/satellite all the time. American Psycho 2 was on NF last I knew, but that's a whole 'nother story right there...

Here's an article I read a month or so back. It's about whether or not the violence in American Psycho benefits the book and that it's possible to read the book and entirely skip the violent chapters without missing any plot. It's also interesting that BEE didn't write any of the violent chapters until he had completed the rest of the novel.
http://www.believermag.com/issues/20130 ... view_ellis

You might enjoy this, Patrick Bateman's New York: http://www.scoutingny.com/?p=4259
I wasn't able to find it on TV :( But from the trailer, I agree; it seems kind of light-hearted, to be honest. I know the novel's a satire but it's also incredibly dark, and I think it's pretty difficult for filmmakers to get a dark tone, especially when it's a novel adaptation.

That article was cool, thanks! I'd have to re-read the book without those chapters to see for myself how different it is that way, but my gut tells me that, as horrifying as those violent chapters were, the novel just wouldn't be the same; Bateman wouldn't be the same. It is interesting that Ellis wrote those chapters after he wrote the novel, so an argument could be made that the chapters aren't necessary because they weren't even in the original manuscript, but if Ellis found it so important to add those chapters, knowing how much controversy they'd stir, how many readers they'd cause to vomit (me included, almost), then I'd argue they were necessary.
I think the filmmakers specifically avoided the darkness of the novel because it would have sunk the film's marketability.

I agree, without the gore, the book is a different story. And actually, maybe, a more depressing one.

You know that Patrick shows up in some other BEE works? Read through PB's wiki if you want more.

Oh, and basically unrelated, but here's a really fucked up story on BEE's next film. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/13/magaz ... wanted=all
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Post by ben » Fri March 15th, 2013, 10:20 am

badcarburetor wrote:
ben wrote:
badcarburetor wrote:I have a long obsession with Bret Easton Ellis.

The film is very different from the book. The film has a kind of ironic layer around it that protects the viewer from the harsh "realities" of the book, if that makes any sense. Basically, it's a "fun" movie. I like it and watch it every few years. I hated it when I saw it in the theater because I felt that it was almost a parody, but I've grown comfortable with that over the years. It's on cable/satellite all the time. American Psycho 2 was on NF last I knew, but that's a whole 'nother story right there...

Here's an article I read a month or so back. It's about whether or not the violence in American Psycho benefits the book and that it's possible to read the book and entirely skip the violent chapters without missing any plot. It's also interesting that BEE didn't write any of the violent chapters until he had completed the rest of the novel.
http://www.believermag.com/issues/20130 ... view_ellis

You might enjoy this, Patrick Bateman's New York: http://www.scoutingny.com/?p=4259
I wasn't able to find it on TV :( But from the trailer, I agree; it seems kind of light-hearted, to be honest. I know the novel's a satire but it's also incredibly dark, and I think it's pretty difficult for filmmakers to get a dark tone, especially when it's a novel adaptation.

That article was cool, thanks! I'd have to re-read the book without those chapters to see for myself how different it is that way, but my gut tells me that, as horrifying as those violent chapters were, the novel just wouldn't be the same; Bateman wouldn't be the same. It is interesting that Ellis wrote those chapters after he wrote the novel, so an argument could be made that the chapters aren't necessary because they weren't even in the original manuscript, but if Ellis found it so important to add those chapters, knowing how much controversy they'd stir, how many readers they'd cause to vomit (me included, almost), then I'd argue they were necessary.
I think the filmmakers specifically avoided the darkness of the novel because it would have sunk the film's marketability.

I agree, without the gore, the book is a different story. And actually, maybe, a more depressing one.

You know that Patrick shows up in some other BEE works? Read through PB's wiki if you want more.

Oh, and basically unrelated, but here's a really fucked up story on BEE's next film. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/13/magaz ... wanted=all
I saw that article on reddit a few months back, good stuff! didn't really know who ellis was at the time.

I'll have to check out some of his other novels later...

oh also I stumbled upon this http://www.briankotek.com/psycho/movie/am2000.cfm
I've got that bookmarked for later - looks interesting!

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Post by Diana » Thu February 26th, 2015, 2:05 pm

I am reading "From the Ball-Room to Hell."


It is a tawdry exposé from 1894 describing the horrors of dancing, from an insider revealing all the dirty, uncomfortable truths:


Well, have you read the preface??? I did. I shan't sleep tonight. It seems that right under our noses, women innocently join dancing schools only to be robbed of their virtue! After which they are scorned by society, sending them into a shame spiral leading directly to the brothel. It cannot be otherwise.

And what is to blame for this tragedy? The Waltz.


The threat is real, ladies!! Hold fast to your virtue! It is too late for me, so I'm off to the brothel. Alas.

The Bryn Mawr website lets you view the whole book in PDF form.

http://www.brynmawr.edu/library/exhibit ... lroom.html

Spread the word!!

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Post by MS_39455 » Thu February 26th, 2015, 4:22 pm

Where'd you find that thing? I love that kind of Christian warning literature: past and present.

edit: Taking a closer look, I guess it's more of an etiquette manual than a moral guide. Still cool though.

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Post by Diana » Fri February 27th, 2015, 7:03 am

MS_39455 wrote:Where'd you find that thing? I love that kind of Christian warning literature: past and present.
I got it from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul - Tacoma Council on ebay. The ebay store is svdptacoma. I am sad that thrift shops now have ebay stores because it makes the brick and mortar stores virtually useless for anything except furniture. The thrill of the hunt is gone, and prices keep going up on the crap they do keep in store because every piece of junk is potentially a million dollar "collectible." But at the same time it is terribly convenient to just click the button, and all the proceeds supposedly go to charity. So it is what it is. [/grumpy old person rant]

Oh shit, we should have a Chick tract party. I have piles of those things. Brandy snifters and fireside reading of Chick tracts. So wholesome!

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Post by MS_39455 » Fri February 27th, 2015, 7:32 am

Diana wrote:Oh shit, we should have a Chick tract party. I have piles of those things. Brandy snifters and fireside reading of Chick tracts. So wholesome!
Oh hell yes...literally. Those scared the fuck out of me as a kid (as they were intended to do). Pretty sure I threw away every one I ever was given or found after feeling guilty and ashamed of being human. Really wish I had kept those now. This shit is priceless...


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Post by DeathfareDevil » Fri February 27th, 2015, 1:02 pm

For sheer repugnant horror, nothing will top "Lisa." All the other Chick tracts are Garfield strips compared to it.

That writer at the link summed it up best: "Is ANYONE going to prison?!"

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Post by Diana » Fri February 27th, 2015, 2:02 pm

DeathfareDevil wrote:For sheer repugnant horror, nothing will top "Lisa." All the other Chick tracts are Garfield strips compared to it.

That writer at the link summed it up best: "Is ANYONE going to prison?!"
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

That probably very handily tops my whole collection. But I'll check when I get home to be sure. Nicely done.

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Post by melkor » Fri February 27th, 2015, 4:46 pm

seven bands seven churches seven sages five magics / up the hammers to stay
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Post by Diana » Sat February 28th, 2015, 7:04 am

I found one.


It doesn't beat "Lisa" (beat...Lisa...SWIDT) but it's impressive.

Our hero on the cover is named Ralph and he lives in a group home for children.

Image Image

Yep, seven-year-olds are committing suicide because they are being nightly raped by Judge Stone who runs the place.
Ralph is put into a foster home and suffers terrible nightmares.


Ralph's new foster mother, who was raped by Rwandan tribal warriors while doing mission work, yes indeed:


because let's throw Africa and the UN under the bus too while we're at it, and also good luck getting the flock to sign up for missionary work now. Anyway, she tells Ralph that the only way the nightmares will stop is if Ralph accepts Jesus Christ and repents his sins, and then asks forgiveness for the man that raped him nightly.


The very next morning:


Jesus kills the fuck out of Judge Stone. Now THAT is how you recruit me into your blood cult -- show me a two-fisted fightin' Jesus that GETS RESULTS.



The End.

Incidentally, I think I found the Chick tract that was left on my ex boyfriend's windshield:



I won't spoiler Cleo because I actually have two copies of it, so I am going to gift one to Tommy. I'll send it through your lady. Please repent your sins and accept Jesus Christ as soon as you receive it. So that I get credit.


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Post by MS_39455 » Sat February 28th, 2015, 7:27 pm

Consider my name written in the lamb's book of life. I'll be sure and tell them, "Diana sent me."

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Post by Diana » Sun March 15th, 2015, 1:18 pm

Oh shit y'all, look what I just found:


My father's name is on the address label, so I must have had a subscription. But this seems to be the only one I kept.


So apparently I was a fan of Ozzy at age 12. I do remember loving the video for "Bark at the Moon."



I glanced around at the article and saw "Sharon" "Sharon" "Sharon" so I didn't bother reading it. Maybe later.

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Post by Diana » Sat April 18th, 2015, 2:52 pm

I have some bad news, y'all. Badcarburetor gave me this for xmas:


I fear we might all be headed down the wrong path!


Many of my tee-shirts have violent imagery!! It gets worse:


My eyes have been opened!! There's a really offensive band called "the Mötley Crüe" that I plan to steer very clear of!

If any of you would like to read this after I am done in order to educate yourselves, please let me know. (But hurry because I might slice & dice for shartwork purposes...particularly every quote from Blackie Lawless. W.A.S.P. is my spirit animal.)


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