Daggeth of Bloodstained Dusk dies.

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Daggeth of Bloodstained Dusk dies.

Post by cuntworm » Thu February 3rd, 2005, 7:59 am

" On the night of January 24, Anthony Patrick Panter (a.k.a. Daggeth), vocalist/guitarist of the Huntsville, AL-based black metal band BLOODSTAINED DUSK, was killed in a terrible car crash on his way home. He was 24 years of age.

BLOODSTAINED DUSK released two CDs on Baphomet Records: a reissue of their self-financed demo, "Thy Legions Reign Over Christendom", and the cult classic, "Dirge Of Death's Silence". They also released a number of self-financed cassette demos and appeared on numerous compilation albums. In 2003, they toured the U.S. as direct support for death metal legends MONSTROSITY. Their most recent release was 2004's "Continuance of Evil" on Black Flame Records. "

- taken from Blabbermouth.net

I fucking hate this. I was a big fan of their music, and Daggeth himself was a cool motherfucker to talk to. He will be missed greatly.

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