Days of the Dead 2016

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Days of the Dead 2016

Post by Diana » Sat January 16th, 2016, 4:59 pm

Well, Angus Scrimm won't be there. :( Not worried for the next Phantasm though, because they can just splice in old footage. Shit don't make no sense anyhow.

Folks, the BFF bullied me into getting a vendor table this year. And his wife offered to help me run it because she is a saint, and also apparently crazy. So if you're rolling out to this bullmess, stop by the Dr. Craftenstein table! I'm sending out postcards with a totally sweet Shartwork discount, so if you want one and I don't already have your address (please believe you know if I do) send me a PM and I'll fire one over. It will look very familiar to some of you...

So anyway Elvira will be there, I ❤️ her, and Nature Boy for some reason, and Ted Raimi!! Kane Hodder is cool as shit, Tony Todd was not, so in total for the weekend I might have to leave the table for like 15 minutes.

And when I do, I know I will somehow run into JägerWolf.

Over & Out

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