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Post by reanimatingthewicked » Mon April 11th, 2005, 4:23 pm

bodom fucking rules, there talented as shit, and they have a sound good enough to attract the mainstream regardless if it is 15 yr old girls liking them for their cosmetics, its good kids are listening to something besides gay ass nu metal, and the same rehashed death metal the rest of the u.s. thrives on, so i guess because these guys can actually almost make it playing their music everyone has to bash them, sorry there not playing brutal boring as death metal that sounds just like suffocation, origin, dying fetus, etc. etc. etc.

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Post by Peltacorpse » Mon April 11th, 2005, 6:26 pm

While I can't say that I'm a Bodom fan, it certainly sounds like the same fickle "I don't want to like a band that's on somebody else's t-shirt" metal-er than thou bullshit that gets spread around this forum a lot.
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Post by holly » Mon April 11th, 2005, 6:30 pm

That could be the biggest run-on sentence I have ever seen.
I'm on your side, but goddamn.
Writing a quasi-paragraph full of middle school English skills doesn't help your cause very much.

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Re: um..

Post by Asrynth » Mon April 11th, 2005, 7:45 pm

reanimatingthewicked wrote:bodom fucking rules, there talented as shit, and they have a sound good enough to attract the mainstream regardless if it is 15 yr old girls liking them for their cosmetics, its good kids are listening to something besides gay ass nu metal, and the same rehashed death metal the rest of the u.s. thrives on, so i guess because these guys can actually almost make it playing their music everyone has to bash them, sorry there not playing brutal boring as death metal that sounds just like suffocation, origin, dying fetus, etc. etc. etc.
Bodom IS NOT talented as shit, Alexi Laiho and their keyboardist are talented. Take out Alexi laiho from this band's line up and what do you have? A cookie cutter Nu-metal band with nothing special at all, without alexi laiho no one would give them the time of day and this thread wouldnt even exist. Bodom has a shitty bassist, a rythm guitarist who is so bad, or lazy (whichever you perfer) that he cant even sing while doing the simple rythms while insted making Alexi do it while he is sweeping and doing all other kinds of stuff. Most bodom fans worship alexi laiho and nothing more, Yeah he is a damn good guitarist. But Children of Bodom fans often over look the true facts about the band insted of seeing that they really only like Alexi Laiho and not the rest of the band, Like I said before, Take out Alexi, COB is just another cookie cutter band that no one would even mention in metal conversations.

I hope no one blows this out of proportion but takes it for what it is, Im stating the facts.

Hey I even enjoy the Hatebreeder album, but their new stuff is horrendous and if it doesnt change dramatically on the next record, i wont even download the demo tracks off the web.

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Post by TheKshatriya » Mon April 11th, 2005, 9:14 pm

I agree. Alexi is COB, with out him they wouldnt be anything.

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Post by Diaspora » Mon April 11th, 2005, 9:22 pm

COB wouldn't be much without Alexi. But he's in the band so that doesn't say too much for the argument that they would suck without him. True, they probably would, but he is in the band regardless. I like Bodom a lot.

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Post by Matt » Tue April 12th, 2005, 10:13 am

Bodom is fucking awful. Get up off your ass diaspora and all you other fucking jews and realize that Bodom sucks. and the asshole who said Bodom is better than Suffocation, dying fetus, and ORIGIN has no clue what he is talking about. if you would take bodom over essential death metal (real metal) like suffocation then dont even bother telling people that you like metal. because suffocation isnt a one man band, and they have put out legendary albums like effigy of the forgotten and pierced from within, which are not only 2 of my favorite cds of all but they have also undoubtably influenced and shaped the current death metal scene a lot more than some mall metal band like bodom. You mine as well go listen to atreyu while you are at it you fucking pussies who dont respect TRUE METAL.

SUFFOCATION = Extremely True
Bodom = False garbage that appeals primarily to confused 14 and 15 year old rejects who cant handle, comprehend, or better yet respect actual metal.

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Post by Mike » Tue April 12th, 2005, 11:24 am

Matt wrote:Bodom is fucking awful. Get up off your ass diaspora and all you other fucking jews and realize that Bodom sucks. and the asshole who said Bodom is better than Suffocation, dying fetus, and ORIGIN has no clue what he is talking about. if you would take bodom over essential death metal (real metal) like suffocation then dont even bother telling people that you like metal. because suffocation isnt a one man band, and they have put out legendary albums like effigy of the forgotten and pierced from within, which are not only 2 of my favorite cds of all but they have also undoubtably influenced and shaped the current death metal scene a lot more than some mall metal band like bodom. You mine as well go listen to atreyu while you are at it you fucking pussies who dont respect TRUE METAL.

SUFFOCATION = Extremely True
Bodom = False garbage that appeals primarily to confused 14 and 15 year old rejects who cant handle, comprehend, or better yet respect actual metal.
Calling people jews as if it were something negative isn't helping your argument at all. Atreyu and Bodom aren't even close to being the same thing.
And i'm sorry if everyone doesn't conform to what you define as 'TRUE METAL'
One of the best things about metal is how diverse it is. Calling something false because you don't like it is ridiculous. Opinion and fact are two different things.
We get it by now. You don't like Bodom, and a lot of people do. This pisses you off but we're not changing your mind and you're not changing ours. Especially by calling us faggots and jews.

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Post by AmoebicDysentery » Tue April 12th, 2005, 11:54 am

As someone who is 25% homosexual and 47% Jewish, I take offense to this thread! However I don't like Children of Bodom, but i'm not going to waste my time arguing about it on some messageboard. I'd rather argue about how much grindcore sucks or doesn't suck.

And comparing COB to Death Metal is like apples and toiletseats, man. Totally seperate stuff.

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Post by BlazeTSU » Tue April 12th, 2005, 1:42 pm


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Post by Chris Masochist » Tue April 12th, 2005, 1:42 pm

This is great.

Diversity can be a good thing since it can appeal to everyone, but it also fucked up the oringinality of what metal is supposed to be. Death, Black, Thrash it's all mixed together now and worst yet 'hardcore' the worst genre ever has fused together to create shitty bands that are getting overrated today, kse, LOG and Bodom.


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Post by Diaspora » Wed April 13th, 2005, 4:55 pm

Matt wrote: You mine as well go listen to atreyu while you are at it you fucking pussies who dont respect TRUE METAL.

SUFFOCATION = Extremely True
Bodom = False garbage that appeals primarily to confused 14 and 15 year old rejects who cant handle, comprehend, or better yet respect actual metal.
I never said I didn't like Suffocation or Maiden or anything like that. Even though I listen to Bodom I still lke bands like Cryptopsy, Krisiun, Behemoth, Arsis, and tons of other bands I suppose you would call true metal. Plus, I agreed with you that Bodom wouldn't be anything without Alexi. You are stressing over this way too much.

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Post by Matt » Thu April 14th, 2005, 8:14 pm

i just enjoy making message boards ammusing by me being a dick. i checked out band might have been some of the abhorrently awful shit i have ever heard. you guys look 12 years old. you look like a pop punk/numetal band. i dont give a shit what you listen to. but bodom is awful. and i am calling you a queer because you rant and rave about complete garbage and disregard the most amazing and essential metal albums. take off your diaper put on some corpse paint.

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Post by ratanda » Thu April 14th, 2005, 9:19 pm

I'm enjoying it too, and you're WAY better at it than Andrew was.

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Post by BlazeTSU » Fri April 15th, 2005, 1:25 am

don't listen to that jackass diaspora

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