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by stewvee » Tue April 5th, 2011, 4:24 pm
Ryan wrote:it's their sentiment that seems false... like all their supposed idioligy is only their to justify that they're playing black metal because it's cool right now.
Yes. If they were a power metal band there wouldn't be any interest and they wouldn't be getting interviewed and no one would be talking about them pro or con.
The Herberts own BM now. The more sigils and pentagrams the better. Not long off when NED shirts are in Urban Outfitter windows. Mark me words.
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by withered » Tue April 5th, 2011, 4:45 pm
Yeah, I know. Just giving you a hard time. You're right, the posturing above "black metal" is ridiculous. It's probably some reverse-elitism thing for all the hipster black metal shit they're given. LOL.
There are douchebags in every scene/genre and I dislike most bands & fans in every scene/genre. But, I guess age has gotten the best of me. my virility for anger towards them has been replaced with utter amusement at humanity in general as it stumbles down it's inevitable decline. hey, that sounds pretty black metal, don't it?
Now, where's my bottle of crown royal and a doobie damnit?
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by Azrael » Tue April 5th, 2011, 9:32 pm
I'll keep my Aura Noir on for now.
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by Azrael » Tue April 5th, 2011, 9:47 pm
Also, Withered's ideology is correct and well thought out, and allow me to say that Mike, your last job on the planet is to try to be cool, unlike that dude. Those dudes in the video seem to me to be bandwagon jumpers for damn sure.
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by BlackRoija » Tue April 5th, 2011, 10:49 pm
Azrael wrote:I'll keep my Aura Noir on for now.
fuck yeah
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by withered » Wed April 6th, 2011, 4:15 pm
well, thanks, Jake. I def understand. yeah, there were definitely a few bands to hop on the BM wagon out of Brooklyn once Krallice made a splash.
You know how that goes. A band gets signed and all of a sudden, 10 other similar bands pop up hoping to get a piece of the pie. At least with any style/sound that's easy to duplicate.
And, yes, Aura Noir!!
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by Azrael » Wed April 6th, 2011, 9:30 pm
withered wrote:well, thanks, Jake. I def understand. yeah, there were definitely a few bands to hop on the BM wagon out of Brooklyn once Krallice made a splash.
You know how that goes. A band gets signed and all of a sudden, 10 other similar bands pop up hoping to get a piece of the pie. At least with any style/sound that's easy to duplicate.
And, yes, Aura Noir!!
My pleasure sir, you know I subscribe to Withered school of thought, and I don't want you guys getting lumped in with less than genuine bands.
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by Odinson666 » Mon May 2nd, 2011, 6:46 pm
well , these guys are pretentious enough to compare, the white noise they are making to a sonata , there was no emotional release in the music they were making , which is what the first wave of kvlt guys were about, this guy in the video who likes to here himself talk can't discern spirituality from philosophy, Erik of Watain at least is very passionate about the pursuit of his spirituality and it feels like a much honest expression.
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by BlackRoija » Sat May 14th, 2011, 3:10 pm
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by Odinson666 » Mon May 16th, 2011, 5:44 pm
too funny , reminds me of Madonna when she tries to explain Kabbalah in an interview and has no idea what Hermetic Kabbalah is , those guys need to read catching the big fish by film maker david lynch and maybe it will make more sense to them as Hyboria is form a mythology created by Conan writer robert e howard and the rest of that they jacked from the Dungeons and Dragons book the manual of planes
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by Strange » Tue May 17th, 2011, 4:11 pm
Apparently I Wrestled a Bear Once has decided to "Go Black Metal" as well. I don't know if it's supposed to be a joke or more "Irony." Boy howdy those hipsters do love them some irony. But regardless, it does seem to be the case.
The guitarist posted this statement, "We were sick of getting lumped in with ‘scene’ and ‘whatever-core’ bands, so we decided to embrace our roots and just go straight black metal on the new album. I’d say 90% of the new record is straight-up black metal, so we had to change our image to match… Because of course that’s just as important, if not more so, than the music."
Also, is it just me or does the guy on the far left look like Fozzy Bear on Halloween?
Let the joyous celebrations of Hell begin!
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by Azrael » Tue May 17th, 2011, 4:23 pm
Strange wrote:Apparently I Wrestled a Bear Once has decided to "Go Black Metal" as well. I don't know if it's supposed to be a joke or more "Irony." Boy howdy those hipsters do love them some irony. But regardless, it does seem to be the case.
The guitarist posted this statement, "We were sick of getting lumped in with ‘scene’ and ‘whatever-core’ bands, so we decided to embrace our roots and just go straight black metal on the new album. I’d say 90% of the new record is straight-up black metal, so we had to change our image to match… Because of course that’s just as important, if not more so, than the music."
Also, is it just me or does the guy on the far left look like Fozzy Bear on Halloween?
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by Odinson666 » Tue May 17th, 2011, 4:33 pm
but the chick looks hot in corpse paint, so does the chick from cthonic, and come to think of it most chicks look hotter in zombie make too, i guess i have a fetish for monsters , must have gotten touched on the no-no spot in monster plantation as a kid
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by SlashAndThrash » Tue May 17th, 2011, 8:31 pm
i feel that the wrestled a bear shit is a joke and not serious. even so who cares. bands like this have done this to all kinds of genres, from punk to hardcore to metal, and none of it has any sort of lasting effect. they die out and are completely forgotten. the taint of false metal doesn't detract from the legitimacy of good, real things, and anyone worth anything won't be fooled.
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by Knucklehead » Tue May 17th, 2011, 9:03 pm
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