This is the place to talk shit! its also where we flush the nonsense

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Post by mrjumping » Sat May 10th, 2008, 7:04 am

necroodin wrote:What do you call a bunch of niggers buried up to their necks? AFRO TURF
Did you hear about the nigger woman who had an abortion? She got a $500 check from Crimestoppers.
Why do lions in Africa lick their assholes?To get the taste of nigger out.
Why don't sharks eat niggers? Because they think they are whale shit.

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Post by KunikoS Rayne » Sat May 10th, 2008, 7:18 am


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Post by Kurt » Sat May 10th, 2008, 9:56 am

I am rather confused.

According to this thread, Blarg should be banned from the Atlanta Metal forum for using racial slurs. Keep in mind, the context of said racial slurs were, as far as I could tell, simply to get under someone's skin and he was in no way expounding upon any sort of racialist ideology, but I digress.

This is fine, of course, if the Atlanta Metal forum and the people who moderate it have a problem with this sort of content, then by all means, this guy should be banned. However, from what I understand, this forum is closely tied with Wrekage, yes? If people are so upset and enraged by Blarg's comments, shouldn't you also see to it personally that albums by Burzum, Graveland, Gorgoroth, etc are removed from the Wrekage library?

It is very eye-brow raising that people could discuss killing Christians to infinity in the "extreme metal scene" and no one would think twice. Then, when people in this musical genre, which is in essence hateful, extreme, evil, etc, takes it a step further it is suddenly unacceptable.

The argument that this statement is usually met with is something along the lines of, "Well, we can hate Christians because they choose to be Christians, but you don't choose to be black/jewish/arab/whatever else anyone hates these days." Ahh yes, a sound argument. Well played, indeed!

Now we come back to the topic of this thread. Yes, do not hate blacks because they are born black and have no choice but to be black, but people who are inbred? Fuck those mother fuckers!!! Not that I believe Mr. Blarg is inbred, but hasn't this thread taken a turn for being very disrespectful of the inbred community? Someone has to represent the imbred community!

Of course, just like Blarg's comment, the inbred insults were not meant in sincerity, but just used to get under someone's skin.

Some brief axioms:

-Racism has been a theme in metal for years. I don't care if this is "okay" or not, but I am surprised to see people freak out about it on a forum.

-It is really, really funny that Black Metal night at the Masquerade was the same as black-gay-disco night.

-If Blarg is just some dumb kid as most of you are insinuating, why bother arguing with him?

-The Canadian band Blasphemy's guitar player, Caller of Storms, is black and Blasphemy crushes most bands ever.

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Post by Metalfreak » Sat May 10th, 2008, 10:41 am

well said Kurt!

to be honest the racsim comments didn't really bother me...I know everyone has their own views on things. that's why I didn't get on his case like some others did. He agreed to stop but others did keep arguing and he kept arguing back. I've just been pretty much sitting back and laughing the whole time.

and about the Masquerade...I think it was when one of your bands played in hell with some other black metal bands and in heaven, there were some Christian emo bands playing. I think it's great how they set up shows! :lol: (I'm referring to the Hellgoat show)
They had you do a drug test and the forgot to test for drugs???

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Post by mrjumping » Sat May 10th, 2008, 12:28 pm

Kurt wrote:I am rather confused.

According to this thread, Blarg should be banned from the Atlanta Metal forum for using racial slurs. Keep in mind, the context of said racial slurs were, as far as I could tell, simply to get under someone's skin and he was in no way expounding upon any sort of racialist ideology, but I digress.

This is fine, of course, if the Atlanta Metal forum and the people who moderate it have a problem with this sort of content, then by all means, this guy should be banned. However, from what I understand, this forum is closely tied with Wrekage, yes? If people are so upset and enraged by Blarg's comments, shouldn't you also see to it personally that albums by Burzum, Graveland, Gorgoroth, etc are removed from the Wrekage library?

It is very eye-brow raising that people could discuss killing Christians to infinity in the "extreme metal scene" and no one would think twice. Then, when people in this musical genre, which is in essence hateful, extreme, evil, etc, takes it a step further it is suddenly unacceptable.

The argument that this statement is usually met with is something along the lines of, "Well, we can hate Christians because they choose to be Christians, but you don't choose to be black/jewish/arab/whatever else anyone hates these days." Ahh yes, a sound argument. Well played, indeed!

Now we come back to the topic of this thread. Yes, do not hate blacks because they are born black and have no choice but to be black, but people who are inbred? Fuck those mother fuckers!!! Not that I believe Mr. Blarg is inbred, but hasn't this thread taken a turn for being very disrespectful of the inbred community? Someone has to represent the imbred community!

Of course, just like Blarg's comment, the inbred insults were not meant in sincerity, but just used to get under someone's skin.

Some brief axioms:

-Racism has been a theme in metal for years. I don't care if this is "okay" or not, but I am surprised to see people freak out about it on a forum.

-It is really, really funny that Black Metal night at the Masquerade was the same as black-gay-disco night.

-If Blarg is just some dumb kid as most of you are insinuating, why bother arguing with him?

-The Canadian band Blasphemy's guitar player, Caller of Storms, is black and Blasphemy crushes most bands ever.
I don't think he should be banned. This has kept me very entertained.

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Post by holly » Sat May 10th, 2008, 3:32 pm

I love how blarg! is proud is his "rich white heritage," but he is an embarrassment to the "white race."

Also, it doesn't matter if you "stopped with the racism" on the board. The fact of the matter is that you are a piece of shit racist.


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Post by RichOfSilence » Sat May 10th, 2008, 3:37 pm

Not to mention the fact that you constantly insult my wife on here. Please let me know next time you're at a show/concert. I'd love to shake your hand.

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Post by Blarg! » Sun May 11th, 2008, 8:02 am

RichOfSilence wrote:Not to mention the fact that you constantly insult my wife on here. Please let me know next time you're at a show/concert. I'd love to shake your hand.
Did you just agree with yourself using two different accounts?

Your wife insults me too,try and get over it.

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Post by Blarg! » Sun May 11th, 2008, 8:17 am

Kurt wrote:I am rather confused.

According to this thread, Blarg should be banned from the Atlanta Metal forum for using racial slurs. Keep in mind, the context of said racial slurs were, as far as I could tell, simply to get under someone's skin and he was in no way expounding upon any sort of racialist ideology, but I digress.

This is fine, of course, if the Atlanta Metal forum and the people who moderate it have a problem with this sort of content, then by all means, this guy should be banned. However, from what I understand, this forum is closely tied with Wrekage, yes? If people are so upset and enraged by Blarg's comments, shouldn't you also see to it personally that albums by Burzum, Graveland, Gorgoroth, etc are removed from the Wrekage library?

It is very eye-brow raising that people could discuss killing Christians to infinity in the "extreme metal scene" and no one would think twice. Then, when people in this musical genre, which is in essence hateful, extreme, evil, etc, takes it a step further it is suddenly unacceptable.

The argument that this statement is usually met with is something along the lines of, "Well, we can hate Christians because they choose to be Christians, but you don't choose to be black/jewish/arab/whatever else anyone hates these days." Ahh yes, a sound argument. Well played, indeed!

Now we come back to the topic of this thread. Yes, do not hate blacks because they are born black and have no choice but to be black, but people who are inbred? Fuck those mother fuckers!!! Not that I believe Mr. Blarg is inbred, but hasn't this thread taken a turn for being very disrespectful of the inbred community? Someone has to represent the imbred community!

Of course, just like Blarg's comment, the inbred insults were not meant in sincerity, but just used to get under someone's skin.

Some brief axioms:

-Racism has been a theme in metal for years. I don't care if this is "okay" or not, but I am surprised to see people freak out about it on a forum.

-It is really, really funny that Black Metal night at the Masquerade was the same as black-gay-disco night.

-If Blarg is just some dumb kid as most of you are insinuating, why bother arguing with him?

-The Canadian band Blasphemy's guitar player, Caller of Storms, is black and Blasphemy crushes most bands ever.
Black are indeed born black,but they don't have to "act" it..
They are born into an environment that glorifies drugs,being uneducated,butchery of the English language,ect.
If they can work up enough mind power to break away from that stupid culture..well..more power to them..
Maybe they can become college professors and wear those neat bow ties.

Anyways,I just think they are gross,But that's just me.

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Post by Blarg! » Sun May 11th, 2008, 8:33 am

holly wrote:I love how blarg! is proud is his "rich white heritage," but he is an embarrassment to the "white race."

Also, it doesn't matter if you "stopped with the racism" on the board. The fact of the matter is that you are a piece of shit racist.

I'm not an embarrassment to the white race,people who breed with black people and dwell in black-american culture are an embarrassment.

Also,why don't you get over it,you fucking baby.
I'm sorry I hurt your feelings and don't live up to your politically correct standards,asshole.

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Post by Kurt » Sun May 11th, 2008, 9:46 am

I was simply being the devil's advocate.

Anyways, this thread has run its course and should probably be locked, yes? Mods?

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Post by Brian » Sun May 11th, 2008, 10:42 am

Blarg! wrote:
Kurt wrote:I am rather confused.

According to this thread, Blarg should be banned from the Atlanta Metal forum for using racial slurs. Keep in mind, the context of said racial slurs were, as far as I could tell, simply to get under someone's skin and he was in no way expounding upon any sort of racialist ideology, but I digress.

This is fine, of course, if the Atlanta Metal forum and the people who moderate it have a problem with this sort of content, then by all means, this guy should be banned. However, from what I understand, this forum is closely tied with Wrekage, yes? If people are so upset and enraged by Blarg's comments, shouldn't you also see to it personally that albums by Burzum, Graveland, Gorgoroth, etc are removed from the Wrekage library?

It is very eye-brow raising that people could discuss killing Christians to infinity in the "extreme metal scene" and no one would think twice. Then, when people in this musical genre, which is in essence hateful, extreme, evil, etc, takes it a step further it is suddenly unacceptable.

The argument that this statement is usually met with is something along the lines of, "Well, we can hate Christians because they choose to be Christians, but you don't choose to be black/jewish/arab/whatever else anyone hates these days." Ahh yes, a sound argument. Well played, indeed!

Now we come back to the topic of this thread. Yes, do not hate blacks because they are born black and have no choice but to be black, but people who are inbred? Fuck those mother fuckers!!! Not that I believe Mr. Blarg is inbred, but hasn't this thread taken a turn for being very disrespectful of the inbred community? Someone has to represent the imbred community!

Of course, just like Blarg's comment, the inbred insults were not meant in sincerity, but just used to get under someone's skin.

Some brief axioms:

-Racism has been a theme in metal for years. I don't care if this is "okay" or not, but I am surprised to see people freak out about it on a forum.

-It is really, really funny that Black Metal night at the Masquerade was the same as black-gay-disco night.

-If Blarg is just some dumb kid as most of you are insinuating, why bother arguing with him?

-The Canadian band Blasphemy's guitar player, Caller of Storms, is black and Blasphemy crushes most bands ever.
Black are indeed born black,but they don't have to "act" it..
They are born into an environment that glorifies drugs,being uneducated,butchery of the English language,ect.
If they can work up enough mind power to break away from that stupid culture..well..more power to them..
Maybe they can become college professors and wear those neat bow ties.

Anyways,I just think they are gross,But that's just me.
You can say the same thing about plenty of white folk too. Just look at how many white pedophiles, rapists, murderers, etc there are. And there are plenty of "white trash" people, especially down here in the south. Lots of crackers speak the same "butchery of the English language." Hell you could probably ask an Englishman about this subject and he'd say that all Americans butcher the English language.

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Post by Blarg! » Sun May 11th, 2008, 10:58 am

Brian wrote:
Blarg! wrote:
Kurt wrote:I am rather confused.

According to this thread, Blarg should be banned from the Atlanta Metal forum for using racial slurs. Keep in mind, the context of said racial slurs were, as far as I could tell, simply to get under someone's skin and he was in no way expounding upon any sort of racialist ideology, but I digress.

This is fine, of course, if the Atlanta Metal forum and the people who moderate it have a problem with this sort of content, then by all means, this guy should be banned. However, from what I understand, this forum is closely tied with Wrekage, yes? If people are so upset and enraged by Blarg's comments, shouldn't you also see to it personally that albums by Burzum, Graveland, Gorgoroth, etc are removed from the Wrekage library?

It is very eye-brow raising that people could discuss killing Christians to infinity in the "extreme metal scene" and no one would think twice. Then, when people in this musical genre, which is in essence hateful, extreme, evil, etc, takes it a step further it is suddenly unacceptable.

The argument that this statement is usually met with is something along the lines of, "Well, we can hate Christians because they choose to be Christians, but you don't choose to be black/jewish/arab/whatever else anyone hates these days." Ahh yes, a sound argument. Well played, indeed!

Now we come back to the topic of this thread. Yes, do not hate blacks because they are born black and have no choice but to be black, but people who are inbred? Fuck those mother fuckers!!! Not that I believe Mr. Blarg is inbred, but hasn't this thread taken a turn for being very disrespectful of the inbred community? Someone has to represent the imbred community!

Of course, just like Blarg's comment, the inbred insults were not meant in sincerity, but just used to get under someone's skin.

Some brief axioms:

-Racism has been a theme in metal for years. I don't care if this is "okay" or not, but I am surprised to see people freak out about it on a forum.

-It is really, really funny that Black Metal night at the Masquerade was the same as black-gay-disco night.

-If Blarg is just some dumb kid as most of you are insinuating, why bother arguing with him?

-The Canadian band Blasphemy's guitar player, Caller of Storms, is black and Blasphemy crushes most bands ever.
Black are indeed born black,but they don't have to "act" it..
They are born into an environment that glorifies drugs,being uneducated,butchery of the English language,ect.
If they can work up enough mind power to break away from that stupid culture..well..more power to them..
Maybe they can become college professors and wear those neat bow ties.

Anyways,I just think they are gross,But that's just me.
You can say the same thing about plenty of white folk too. Just look at how many white pedophiles, rapists, murderers, etc there are. And there are plenty of "white trash" people, especially down here in the south. Lots of crackers speak the same "butchery of the English language." Hell you could probably ask an Englishman about this subject and he'd say that all Americans butcher the English language.
True,but if you looked at the picture in it's whole,about 98% of the black race acts like that,and usually the white trash people are actually involved in this ridiculous afro-american culture...look at that guy..Eminem.

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Post by Metalfreak » Sun May 11th, 2008, 11:48 am

Blarg! wrote: Black are indeed born black,but they don't have to "act" it..
They are born into an environment that glorifies drugs,being uneducated,butchery of the English language,ect.
If they can work up enough mind power to break away from that stupid culture..well..more power to them..
Maybe they can become college professors and wear those neat bow ties.
I hate to say it but I do agree with this statement. My boyfriend responded to a call (he's a cop for those who don't know) and they had to go into some ghetto ass apartment complex where the problem was. Since it was in the ghetto, of course the people living there were black. One dude walked up to my boyfriend and said, "This da hood; dis how it is." I hate people like that. This is why I agree with Blarg!.

Brian wrote:You can say the same thing about plenty of white folk too. Just look at how many white pedophiles, rapists, murderers, etc there are. And there are plenty of "white trash" people, especially down here in the south. Lots of crackers speak the same "butchery of the English language." Hell you could probably ask an Englishman about this subject and he'd say that all Americans butcher the English language.
and this one. Every race or group of people has morons like these described.
They had you do a drug test and the forgot to test for drugs???

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Post by Metalfreak » Sun May 11th, 2008, 1:59 pm

Kurt wrote:I was simply being the devil's advocate.

Anyways, this thread has run its course and should probably be locked, yes? Mods?
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They had you do a drug test and the forgot to test for drugs???


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